It's one of the first projects I created using Python, I learnt about Selenium and wanted to try that out.

Selenium is tool to automate web browsers. You can read more about it here. I am using Selenium with Python, it lets us use Selenium via Python Programmin Language. Selenium with Python Docs

So, its a meassage bomber, it bombs someone with thousands and thousands of messages to someone on Whatsapp, a app almost everyone use and the good part is you don't actually need to have his/her contact saved in your phone's contact list. In the source code I have a variable called msg where the user can store the message which is to bombed, I just did a "Yo!" but it can be anything and can be of anynumber of lines/words.

msg = '''Yo!'''

To make this program more dynamic we can use a input function and ask user for a message everytime user runs the program. Then, the program asks for a contact number. After that we need a webdriver which can be downloaded from Selenium's Website, it lets Selenium access your browser, I am using Google Chrome so I have downloaded webdriver for Google Chrome and then asked Selenium to get the whatsapp web website ( and pause the Python script for 10 seconds so that he can login to Whatsapp Web portal scanning the QR code

driver = webdriver.Chrome()
time.sleep(10) #Wait period for you to log-in

Now there is a trick by you can directly message anyone on whatsapp just by a link, formed by a contact number and a message. so, in my Python script I asked Selenium to get that link or open that link in the browser window, you can se that in the code given below

serviceurl = ""
params = dict()
params['text'] = msg
url = serviceurl + '91' + contact_number + '/?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)

After this we just need to click on some buttons which can be done by Selenium with Python click() function which is called on a web element which can be found by its XPath using the find_element_by_xpath

After this process, we have a chat windows in front of us of the contact we want to do the prank on. So now I use a loop to get the input text field (where we write our message) by its XPath, had the Selnium to type the message and then press the SEND button.

for i in range(0, 1000): #you can increase or decrease the number by changing 1000
    WebElement = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//*[@id='main']/footer/div[1]/div[2]/div/div[2]")

So now, the loop will repeat itself for 1000 times which can be increased or decreased by changing the second parameter in range() function.

**For full source code visit, Github Repository**